THE FIRST OF ITS KIND: Online Quantum Healing Wellness Center


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I would like to begin with this,  to heal the body you must understand the “quantum level” of that vessel.  The body consists of biological as well as electrical components.  Think of your heart,  your brain are all computer systems within the body.  The body is made up of atoms, neutrons, electrons, protons, and quarks.  Every cell in your body, approximately 50 billion, replaces itself every 2 years.  All cells are reproduced every 7 years.  The basic fundamental healing process of your biological container is contingent on the quantum of the electrical light body inside the physical body.

To ignore the fact that you are a light body, spiritual body first; is the fundamental error with modern medicine.  When you take a deep dive into how David Rockefeller, Bill Gates, Pentagon, and Fauci set up Western Medicine, you understand that the 250,000 medicines were never designed to heal or for health.  NEVER!  It is obvious when you start looking at how the body works and what ingredients are in those pills.  Do you believe that removing the organ, leg, eye, or other parts of your body is the answer to health?  Do you think allowing artificial machinery in your body is true health?  Once you understand the dangers of allowing parasites, petroleum oil, formaldehyde, mercury, or other bioweapons into the biological body; it is destructive to the physical.  

Your body is a quantum vessel that contains a spiritual electric soul.  This soul is connected to 10 dimensions and your DNA is a flower.  It opens up into a beautiful flower that its design is unique to you.  The personality, beliefs, self-esteem, self-worth, everyday behaviors, and spiritual self is all infused into a DNA construct that is like no other.  Here are a few examples:

In the center of the steeples are these stained glass windows.  They are left over from Tartarian.  This was the 4th Golden Age and the wisdom of the people mentoring us left these behind.  They are a slice of DNA looking down on the construct.  

If your body is indeed spiritual from the higher realms of heaven, then you would have a beautiful construct of DNA that is expressed within you.  Therefore, does it make sense to eat animals, drink blood, cut your body up or inject chemicals that are used for submarines?  I say NO!  The body needs real live high frequency food and medicine.  The medicine that we use is frequency, quantum particles, and light.  We use nutrition for our pharmacy and your bio rhythms are linked to your emotional wellness.  This is the highest form of healing you can get.  It is the totality view of the whole body, light body and the spiritual body all housed in one construct.  Hence, it makes sense if you are going to heal yourself you would treat the whole body with non invasive, non toxic, and non harmful remedies.  

If your healer does not understand quantum mechanics, then they don’t understand you!  Therefore, they will never be able to heal the whole you because they only look at the part or the symptom, and this is inadequate healing.  It is an inferior approach to the magical vessel that you posses and operate.  You truly are a god being having a physical experience.  Your choices with your body, mind, spirt, and relationships will affect your health.  

We are starting a new program of various degrees for those that are wanting to take their health back.  This is approach is for self healers, and wanting to work with an expert in the field of Bio Frequency, Nutrition, and Diet plans.  Most people are shooting from the hip trying to figure out what their bodies need to heal.  We do not, because we take the approach of working with your body.  We view the signs through the sending your body a frequency, and you send it back.  We have the ability through Quantum Entanglement to communicate directly with your body.  

Since your body knows how to respond through electrical responses, we are able to get a great view of what is developing as far as the strengths and weaknesses.  We see the toxins, the lack of nutrition and which type food products are best for your healthier frame of mind.  We also have our own diet that we have designed, that specifically works with your body.  

If you were unlucky enough to get the vaxx, we can help with that too.  We have the ability, through Quantum Particles to help the DNA restore itself back to its glory.  If you have a chronic disease, we see this as a symphony of weaknesses that needs to be addressed.  Are you unknowingly poisoning yourself?  Are you eating food that are disrupting your organic flow?  Do you have parasites?  How many do you have?  Where are they located?  No one should be taking parasite cleansers unless they know what kind of health their organs are, or how their blood is feeding the body.  If you are making the situation worse because you don’t know what is happening inside your body, you could end up in the ER.  Due to these known issues, Quantum Healing is taking a Quantum Leap into healthcare and self healing.  

Level I ~  This program is set for those that are not injected, but want to begin the wellness approach living.  We are not a one stop shop but rather a life changing program that also helps to set up a home wellness center.  You will be matched up with a Health Coach and she can guide you through a program that is described by the reports of BioFeedback that your body created.  

Level II ~ Non jabbed but has diseases.  You will need additional care and want to have additional BioFeedback Sessions to regulate and guide you to a safer way of healing.  This is done through 3 BioFeedback Sessions and a Health Coach to help you set up your home wellness center, and help you understand your personal needs for healing.  

Level III ~  Vaxxers, you will need several BioFeedback sessions to go through the program and identify weaknesses in mRNA, DNA and the health of the overall body.  You will need to know what nutrition you need, what’s in your blood, and what about those parasites?  There are also foreign dna tissues that are being reported so we need to see how that is affecting your body and determine the safest way to detox from your body.  

Level IV ~  This program is for the Vaxxer and has been diagnoses with diseases.  You will need to have extra biofeedback sessions so we can determine the quality, and weaknesses.  We also need to see what type of toxins your body has, are you eating more, and how to detox safely.  This is a masterful program to monitor the safest way to heal and remove the poisons of the vaxx.  Call to start your healing program today!  928-628-9777

Level V ~ This is for the Pro Athletes that are healthy, exercising, and unvaxxed.  If you are wanting to get a clearer glimpse to the strengths and weaknesses of your body.  Plus, get a more in-depth look at the meridians, and the light body within.  All of the parts need to be adjusted and activated to its full potential to bring out the Hercules within all of us.  

These programs and your needs will be tailored made for you necessary care to achieve health.  The items we will be discussing is your detox protocol, dietary needs, home wellness center setup,  the electric body balancing, the unity of mind/body/spirit and the 78 various screens that help Dr. Sam Mugzzi take a bird side view as to what the body is experiencing and needing to achieve the maximum homeostasis.  



These principles describe—using food as medicine, incorporating spices, herbs, essential oils, exercise, and grounded beliefs—are indeed deeply rooted in ancient healing practices and holistic approaches to wellness. Holistic healing emphasizes the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and spirit in achieving overall health.

The concept that diseases often start in the mind and that our thoughts play a significant role in our well-being is a foundational aspect of holistic health. Positive thoughts, intentions, and consciousness are believed to influence our health at a spiritual level, potentially triggering the release of endorphins, which have various positive effects on the body, including immune stimulation, anti-inflammatory responses, stress reduction, and alterations in gene expression.

The idea that holistic healing, including quantum thinking, can impact health at a spiritual and cellular level is intriguing. However, it’s important to recognize that while positive thinking and a holistic lifestyle can contribute to overall well-being and potentially support conventional treatments, there might not be conclusive scientific evidence directly linking these practices to treating specific diseases like cancer, autoimmune conditions, or infectious diseases.

Research exploring the mind-body connection and the impact of holistic practices on health is ongoing, and many individuals find benefit in adopting holistic approaches alongside conventional medicine. Integrating various aspects of wellness—nutrition, mindfulness, exercise, and positive thinking—can indeed lead to a more balanced and fulfilling life.







This is a highly specialized department with understanding and knowledge of the soul’s origin, the destiny path, and the needs of that spiritual self that will be expressed within the DNA.  There will not be a lot of people who understand that you are a spirit first.  This spirit has an origin within a specialized star system and this type of individual will have specific frequency, vibration, or resonance building for homeostasis and continuous healing.  When we get to this level of healing, it will require a DNA therapist and a soul understanding of complex requirements for sustainability.  


As much as we’d love to dive into the journey of self-healing, I’m here to assist and provide information that you can utilize with your quest for health.

If you have any questions or need guidance regarding self-healing and need a Health Coach, we are here to help!

DIRECT SERVICES:  928-628-9777