Kowabunga Blue provides the body with the nutrients it needs to heal, therefore it will produce “symptoms” prior to alleviate the dis-ease. It might not be for everything but its a great start. Please look up your lymph system so you can see how the creams and salves work within the saliva, blood and lymph systems. Helping to clear out the toxins is crucial for the healing process to begin. As the body pushes things out, you might feel a headache, stomach ache, have a rash or other symptoms showing you; your body’s alarm system is working. This is a great sign, contrary to the other guys.
You can take activated charcoal to help with die off. You can also eat or drink apple anything to help with die off. Another thing you should always have in house is the Aloe Vera juice since it helps to absorb poisons and allows the body to gently escort poisons out. If you are using a detox foot spa, this is a great combination. Using Kowabunga Blue, with your ionic detox foots spa, will help you move poisons out quicker than normal. Some say up to a gallon a day, can be achieved by killing the antigen and then moving it safely through the lymph system.
The products are homemade out of our own kitchen. We usually make to order so its fresh and new. This cream has a scent of chocolate due to the butters we use. Please see the ingredients: the amounts at home making is up to you.
We use Serendipity, Pure Gum, Colloidal Gold, Methylene Blue, Iodine, Peppermint, Cacao Butter, and other butters making it creamy. Give it a try and realize, helping to feed the body and zapping away toxins; now the body is going to move into healing mode. This can produce “Symptoms”. What we were taught about symptoms, was not decay but the opposite. We are healing and we should learn how to work with the body and not against. Most certainly, you don’t want to remove the parts of the whole by having unnecessary surgeries. Any questions, please consult us by calling the office. We will help you the best we can or just try and see for yourself. Everyone is different so they will experience the cream differently according to your environment, diet, and previous dis-ease exposure. Have an open mind and keep correcting bad behaviors with healthy ones. Its going to be a process for us all. Kowabunga Blue is just a tool. You are the symphony of Angelic energy and this is what you want to target in your healing endeavors.
Can be used for a deodorant, foot cream, belly button, or skin issues. It is so silky, you can also use for a face cream. Anywhere you have an issue, put a dab on and see what happens. Its so pure you can use on children, babies and animals. Just go slow and use a little and see how they react. Less is always more in Natural Healing, Enjoy!