C’ Oderant can be used for a deodorant, lip balm, skin care, face cream and so much more. It has a silky texture and it is made with essential oils of vitamin C’s so you don’t have to supplement as much elsewhere. It has the “C” in this cream so it helps to build and protect from unwanted pathogens.
This is a different type of a cream and has many uses. It works will on rashes, so people who have to wear a mask to work, this can help with the blisters and skin sores.
Can be used for a deodorant, foot cream, belly button, or skin issues. It is so silky, you can also use for a face cream. Anywhere you have an issue, put a dab on and see what happens. Its so pure you can use on children, babies and animals. Just go slow and use a little and see how they react. Less is always more in Natural Healing, Enjoy!